Thursday, March 31, 2011

Chapter 2


It was eleven in the afternoon when Vincent was carrying tray loads of beer and some ordered food over to waiting tables filled with people. He started working around five that evening after they came home from the hospital and didn't care what the doctor told him when they left. He would always work unless he was on his death bed. His face was a little more swollen than earlier but there wasn't any throbbing pain like when he woke up. Dr. Marion had shot him up with morphine when he was out cold. She just gave him enough to subside the pain and not make him loopy.

Tonight they were exceptionally busy. He liked being busy but it slowed him down even more because the mental stress it puts him through.

The complaining customers who ordered food would sometimes get the wrong ticket on accident or he completely forgot a table's order. Kyle couldn't leave the bar in case someone were to go behind the counter and steal a few drinks.

His lip was swollen also and every time he talked or smiled it brought a wave of pain.

“Oi Vincent, come and get a drink.” The bartender suggested. “And a short break too.”

He nodded over to the bartender to let him know that he was heard as the he finished passing around the orders of drinks to the table he was serving. Once he knew that they got everything they ordered, he walked up to the bar and sat down in front of the bartender who was cleaning up some glasses, ordering the classic White Russian as he put his face in his hands.

“You really love my White Russians don’t you Vince? But you really should sit down or go home like the doctor wanted you to.” Kyle said with a heavy sigh.

“Of course Kyle, you’re the best bartender in town.” Vincent commented with a small smile. "And you should know me by now, no fractured face is going to keep me from work. I'd have to be on my death bed to keep me from work.

Kyle just shook his head as he was working on the White Russian and said, “I still wish you would listen to what the doctor said for a change."

“I don’t care….” Vincent growled.

The name of the bar was Kyle's Bar and Karaoke, and it got all kinds of attention because of the wonderful drink combinations that Kyle could produce. Kyle was the owner of this famous bar. He was your average forty-year-old worker who puts a lot of dedication into his work. He has grayish-green eyes, shoulder length light brown hair that was starting to gray and a caring personality. When Kyle was done with the drink, he poured it over a small glass of ice and handed it over to Vincent who immediately picked it up and started sipping at it when another customer walked into the bar.

“Customers just keep showing up every time I want a drink.” Vincent growled and downed the drink before he stood up and put down his now empty glass.

Vincent didn’t really know that he had a pair of black onyx eyes staring right at him while he went to see if any of his customers needed anything. The eyes belonged to what looked like a pale white goddess, she had black hair that was spiky in the back and flat around her face, she had the rosy red lips of an angel and the sexiest body anyone could ever have. Tonight this female wore semi-tight leather pants that had randomly placed chains hanging around her waist and a tight leather tank that zipped up on the front. She had a few tattoo's on his forearms of some bands she listened to and a quote on her right shoulder saying “Live life to it's fullest, no matter how long it may be.” She also wore a necklace that had a symbol of some sorts hanging from the chain that went around her neck.

The female walked up towards the bar and sat down where Vincent had taken a seat and watched him until Kyle came up to take her order. “What would you like ma'am?”

“I'd like to have a white Russian, shaken, not stirred please.” She asked as he rested her elbow on the bar counter and her head in her hand.

“Coming right up.” Kyle said as he went to work right away while the stranger watched Vincent walk up to the table cautiously with a look of fear plastered all over his facial features.

When Vincent had just arrived at the table when he was grabbed by his throat and dragged to his knees by a muscular guy who was pretty much twice Vincent's size as the man said, “It took you too long to get here, now you owe me your ass. And that look fits you perfectly well kid.”

Vincent just clawed at the hand that was gripping his throat but it was in vain because the grip got tighter causing his windpipe to close completely as he started choking. That was when the raven got up and walked over to the table and got serious. “Put him down before I kill you.” The raven said as he cracked her

“Why should I rat shit.” The man said. “You wouldn't even be able to put a bruise on me with those scrawny arms of yours.”

“I'd take that back.” The raven growled, eyes hardening at the insult. “Do you even know who I am?”

“I don't even care.” The man said as he stood up, dragging Vincent to his feet then two more feet into the air since the man was at least two and a half feet taller than he was. The raven could tell that this man had more to drink that he should have.

“The name's Kari Von Wolfgang.” The raven said and as she said this, the entire club went silent and the man started shaking as he dropped Vincent to the ground in time before he was choked to death. “Now I want you to beg for mercy unless you wanna apologize to the employee and leave, and never come back.” Kari growled. The man had then gone down on all fours and started begging for forgiveness from Vincent and Cedric like they were gods to worship and left the place before anyone else could blink when Kari nodded slightly for him to leave.

“Good riddance.” Kari growled as she helped Vincent up to his feet and helped him over to the bar to take a seat. “You going to be ok?” She asked worriedly.

“Yea, thanks...if it hadn't been for you I would probably be dead.” Vincent grunted as he cracked his neck
from side to side painfully. “I really hate that customer...”

“You didn't dislocate or break anything from the sound of that, that's a good sign.” Kari said as she sat down next to Vincent. “May I ask the name of whom I saved?”

“Vincent...Vincent Gaiden.” Vincent said. “You can call me Vince for short if you want.”

“That's a rare name.” Kari said. “I like it.”

“Well, it's as rare as Kari too.” Vincent commented back.

“True.” Kari agreed with a small nod as she looked for her glass and forgot that she was sitting at a different seat before the drama happened. "That's a bad eye and lip you've got there."

“Here's your drink you were looking for.” Kyle said as he walked up with a glass of white Russian.

“Thanks.” Kari said and took the glass, sipping at it slowly.

"Yea, that customer had me in real good last night." Vincent sighed.

"And you didn't call the cops?"


"Why not? He seems to have been harassing you for a while now." Kari noted. "That's what it looks like to me."

"Well he comes and goes when ever he wants and most of the time he doesn't even know I'm working that night. On days he realizes I'm working, that's when he likes to strike."

"I see."

“You gonna be alright kid?” Kyle asked.

“Yea, just need to rest that's all.” Vincent said as he stretched, the bones in his back cracking loudly. “That felt good.”

“I bet it did, want another drink Vince?” Kyle asked.

“Sure, I don't care what you give me, anything's fine.” Vincent said as he leaned forward and rested his head onto the bar counter.

Kyle nodded slightly and pulled out a bottle of vodka and two shot glasses and handed them to Vincent who mumbled a thank you before he raised his head and opened the bottle and poured himself a drink.

“Are you planning on drinking that entire bottle by yourself?” Kari asked.

“I can share it if you want some.” Vincent answered and downed the shot within a second.

Kari only nodded and Vincent poured two shots this time and handed him one before he downed the next one just like before.

“You like vodka don’t you?” Kari asked as she gulped at her shot.

“Eh, it’s alright.” He answered. “I like gin more than the vodka…I think it has more taste to it.”

“Then why you drinking vodka instead of gin?” Kari asked.

“It’s none of your concern.” Vincent said before he poured them two another shot and downed his again.

Kari decided to keep quiet on the matter and continued to sip at his shots that Vincent gave her and watched the male get even closer to being wasted. She started to get worried when Vincent asked for another bottle.
“Why are you getting another bottle Vincent?” Kari asked. “Didn’t you already have enough?”

“Why can’t vampires just disappear from existence?” Was all he said and started to down the vodka from
the bottle, forgetting about his shot glass.

Thank god that the bottle was a small one this time. Kari thought and kept a close eye on Vincent for about five minutes before the kid’s head leaned forward and rested on the bar surface when the doors to the club opened and five young-aged looking adults walked into the building.

Kari's keen, sharp hearing could hear every word that the group was saying and recognized all their voices at once. They used to be her friends until last year when they started killing random people that were wasted behind the bars everywhere in town.

“Hey, there’s our favorite sex slave.” One of them whispered and pointed at Vincent.

“Shut up Raphiel.” A girls’ voice growled. “Do you want everyone to hate our guts or what?”

“Like I care Psyren.” Raphiel shrugged.

Raphiel Valen was his name. He wasn’t your, normal half vampire because he also had wolf blood. He was about to turn twenty-one in human years in two months, but the laws of no drinking under the age twenty-one didn't stop him from going to bars and drinking alcohol. He was that kind of person that loved doing whatever he wanted, when he wanted. He was about six feet two inches and had wild, spiky brown hair. His eyes were dog like and he had naturally long eye teeth, and when he gets mad, his fingernails become claw like.

Psyren Adams, she was your more than normal slutty vampire that was nineteen in her human years and didn’t give a damn about the vampire laws that were in hand, nor did she give a damn about human laws either. She had highlighter pink hair, highlighter green eyes and the face of an angel that brought in her victims. She was five feet nine inches tall and looked like an Egyptian goddess to both man and woman.

“Will both of you be quiet, it looks like he has some company.” Another male voice said.

“We’re not blind Dale.” Both Raphiel and Psyren growled before they all walked up to the bar.

Dale White, he was one the most anti-social vampire in the world next to Kari. He wore sunglasses at all times, a heavy zipped up coat with a large hood was what he wore over a black t-shirt and a pair of windbreakers that were the same color as his coat…gray. He was at least six feet three inches tall and he had dark onyx hair like Kari.

When the group got to the bar, Kari shifted her eyes over to look at the group that sat next to Vincent and her eyes became glued to a blonde haired girl.

“May I have a Bloody Mary please.” She asked for when Kyle walked up to the group.

“Belle, do you have to order that everywhere you go?” Psyren asked.

“Of course, he puts rum in it.” She spat. "And what the hell happened to Vincent's face?"

"A customer attacked him last night, and don't worry, he's already gone. Ran out with his tail between his legs when he realized who I was after calling me rat shit."

Belle Carpenter, she was the youngest vampire in the group. She was changed about two to three years ago into a vampire by someone she thought was her boyfriend. She had long blonde hair, gray eyes and the face of an angel. She was also around five feet six inches tall.

"I'd like to have seen his face when he realized who you were. It must have been priceless." Psyren laughed.
“This is such a drag…why did I have to come with you guys in the first place?” The last male of the group asked as he crossed his arms in front of his chest with a big sigh.

“Sean, you’re worthless so zip it.” Psyren sighed.

Sean Austin, he was the laziest vampire that could ever exist but he would do what ever he was told. He had brown spiky hair that was pulled back into a tight ponytail, dark brown eyes and a scar on the left side of his face. He got into a bad fight with some vampires at his school and they pulled a silver dagger out on him and got his face.

“Could I have another White Russian please?” Kari asked.

“Didn’t you have enough alcohol tonight?” Kyle asked.

“This is my last one, and I don’t get drunk as easily as he does.” She explained as Kyle went to work on the

“Those things look like white out…” Psyren groaned. “How can you stand those?”

“They’re better than you think.” Kari laughed.

“Prove it.” Psyren said.

“I will…when you’re of age.” He whispered loud enough for only her and the other four vampires to hear.

Psyren just growled and put her attention onto something else as Kari’s drink was done and said, “Lets go on back, it’s starting to wear off.”

“After my drink’s gone!” Belle growled and downed her Bloody Mary.

“But what are you guys here for?” Kari asked as she sipped at her drink.

“Something fresh and free.” Psyren answered.

“What do you mean fresh?” Kari asked when she was done with her drink and placed her glass down.

Psyren only pointed at Vincent’s now passed out form from so much alcohol he consumed and giggled.

Kari’s eyes became hardened as she said, “No thanks…I can’t remember?”

“I know, you’re pure blood.” Psyren laughed.

“And so are you Dale.” Kari added. “Why are you joining them if it means that he gets turned?”

“I’m not joining them…they want it on fucking video.” Dale growled and pulled out his video camera that was buried deep in his huge coat pocket.

Kari went quiet as she went into thought just as Psyren stood up and walked over to Raphiel and whispered something into his ear, which made him stand up and pick Vincent up out of the chair.

“Yay, time to have fun.” Belle chimed and put her empty glass on the counter and grabbed Psyren by the arm and they both walked to the back with Raphiel and Sean carrying Vincent and Dale on their heels.

When the door closed, Kari decided to talk to Kyle and asked, “Who all goes back there?”

“The sexually active go back there and the vampires that don’t want to be found out about.” He answered in a whisper.

“I see, well I guess I need to go back there and stop them then.” Kari sighed and stood up, putting her glass down and walked to the door.
. . . . . . . . .

Psyren picked one of the empty rooms at the end of the hall and opened the door for Raphiel and Sean so they could put Vincent on the bed…more like throw him on the bed as Belle ran in and started tearing his clothes off but leaving his boxers on.

“Belle, quit trying to rush things.” Sean sighed as he followed them into the room with his arms crossed and with Psyren right after him closing the door.

“Like I care Sean.” Belle chimed and raised Vincent’s torso and sat down on the bed behind him, letting his form rest on hers between her legs as she wrapped her arms around his chest and licked his neck slowly.
“Wait for Dale to turn the camera on Belle.” Psyren ordered.

“I forgot about it so sorry.” Belle hissed and leaned back onto the bed post and waited.

“Lets make this more interesting and have him completely stripped, you girls wanna use him as a sex toy?”
Raphiel suggested as he took his coat and sweater off, leaving his torso bare.

“That’s an excellent idea Raph.” Psyren smiled.

“I love it when you come up with ideas that I can agree to.” Belle laughed and stood up after she moved Vincent out of her way.

Psyren and Belle took their clothes off as Raphiel got Vincent ready, striping him of his clothes and brought him back to consciousness. Vincent only groaned and stirred a little bit and Raphiel grabbed some rope that was under the bed and tied Vincent’s hands and feet to the bed boards. Unfortunately for Vincent, Raphiel was bi or he'd never would try to give him a hard on.

Vincent's eyes opened slightly but he could barely see because his vision was blurred really bad and the next thing he knew, he felt a hand gently touch his groin and fingers gently making small circles up and down around his lower stomach, this caused him to moan and arch his back, unannounced to him cause of the alcohol, he was starting to get a hard on.

"Your camera on Dale?" Belle chimed happily.

"Yes Belle, it's been on for three minutes." He sighed in annoyance.

Raphiel said nothing but grinned as he began working on Vincent's nipples, he sucked on the right nipple as he twisted it between his teeth, causing Vincent to groan and moan at the same time as his hands pulled at the ropes. Just then, Psyren and Belle joined in as Psyren moved Raphiel's hand away from Vincent's hard on as she hungrily licked his length slowly before she slid it into her mouth, thrusting it in and out at a slow pace as her eyes closed. Belle just climbed to the other side of the bed where it was free and licked Vincent's neck slowly as she used her left hand to gently tease his left nipple. All this excitement was making Vincent begging for more as his back arched a little more, but he didn't remember he was in the room with vampires.

Belle, Psyren and Raphiel continued to toy with Vincent until he was close to reaching his climax which came rather quickly due to the alcohol again and at the same time, all three vampires pulled back and sank their fangs into him; Raphiel took the right nipple, Bell took the neck as she covered his mouth and Psyren sank her teeth into his pulsing hard on. When Vincent felt the pain that immediately rushed through his body, he thrashed and pulled at the ropes around his hands and feet as he screamed into Belle's hand as loud as he could but his screams could barely be heard.

Vincent's lip breaking open again as he tried to remove the hand from his mouth in desperation to get some air.
. . . . . . . . .

Kari sighed heavily as she opened the door to the back and she could immediately smell blood when she closed the door behind her. There weren't 'that many rooms in the back but she turned right and ran to the end of the hallway, and by her good luck, she chose the right side of the hall as she heard muffled screams of pain and the scent of blood was the strongest on her left. Her anger was growing with each passing second that felt like hours as her fangs were growing longer and her eyes turned a deep shade of red while her hands turned claw like. She growled low in the back of her throat before she pulled her right hand back that curled into a tight fist and thrust it forward, breaking the door down and startling the hell out of five vampires.

Shit, why did she come back here? Psyren thought as she jumped off Vincent and tried to cover herself.

"What are you guys doing in here?" Kari asked, her head hung low so her eyes were shaded.

"U-um...n-nothing Kari." Belle tried to lie but she knew it wouldn't work since they didn't have time to cover Vincent.

"It doesn't look like nothing Belle..." Kari growled.

Dale quickly saved the video before he turned it off and hid the video camera in his deep pockets, but he wasn't fast enough since Kari used her vampire speed and in a blink of an eye she was standing next to Dale, camera in her own hands and her eyes still shaded by her hair. "I want you to leave now..." She growled as she tried to keep herself from breaking the video camera.

"B-But Kari..." Psyren stuttered as her and Belle were putting their clothes back on.

"No buts . . ." She snorted. "Get out now!"

Psyren and Belle threw their last bit of clothing on and left the club faster than Dale, Raphiel, and Sean did, they were still in shock from being caught but left a second later. Kari stood where she was for a few more minutes to calm down so she'd be able to concentrate so she could heal Vincent properly. When she knew she was calm enough, she put the camera down on the dresser that was in the room and went to untie Vincent's arms and legs from the bed boards. She muttered a few words to herself as she sat down next to Vincent and placed a hand over the first bite wound she saw, miraculously her hand started glowing slightly and the bite wound started healing instantly. She did this to the rest of the bite wounds but kept herself calm as she healed the wounds on Vincent's diminished erection which made Vincent wince a little bit and groan in pain, but it was soon replaced with a sigh of relief as the pain went away.

Kari took the ropes off the bed board and put them under the bed before she picked Vincent up and slung him gently over her shoulder. And pulled the covers to the bed back and laid him on his side and covered him with the covers again just as Kyle came back with a tray of food and water for Vincent. She looked at his bleeding lip and put her hand on it. Her hand glowing again as she healed his lip fully and the stitches that were in there disintegrated.

"They tore up the bar when they left-" Kyle started saying and looked to where he thought he saw Kari standing and blinked when he found her standing by the dresser. "How did you get over there?"

"They aren't the only vampires in the world...but don't worry...I won't hurt him." Kari said as she took the tape from the video camera and put it in her pocket before she faced Kyle again.

"I...I didn't know you were a vampire..." Kyle said as he walked closer to the bed, his eyes glued to Kari as
he placed the tray on the bedside table.

"I know...I usually don't tell other people I'm a vampire but I feel like I can trust you." Cedric said as she looked down to the floor on her left, shifting her weight onto her right foot.

"Alright...but I'm not going to be the one telling Vincent the truth." Kyle said and looked at Vincent.
"He's bare . . . so I'd try to get some pants on him before he wakes up." Kari noted as she looked to Vincent.

"How did he . . . " Kyle started but was interrupted.

"They did it." Kari answered, but made sure that she didn't pull out the video tape.

Kyle just growled to himself and face palmed his forehead, then rubbed his eyes with his thumb and pointer finger and sighed, "I'm gonna have to make him get a different job."

"I think it should be quick cause I don't think his body can take this anymore from the looks of it." Kari said.
“ He looks more worn out as the seconds pass by.”

"I know, I've taken him to the hospital around twelve times this year." Kyle said. "They said his liver was going to fail if he kept up with the drinking like he does, and that was just last week."

"That's not good." Kari sighed, then scratched the back of her head.

"No it isn't." Kyle agreed.

"I'll be back tomorrow and help you clean up the bar, it was kind of my fault that they tore it up in the first place." Kari offered as she started walking towards the doorway.

"It's fine, I won't be up until around noon, Vincent sometimes comes over around nine no matter what happens the night before." Kyle said and left the room with Kari towards the bar.

"Alright, I'll be back around ten then, see you tomorrow." Kari said and used her vampiric speed to leave the club. She walked down the street a few blocks from her destination as she was walking to Psyren's house to talk to her parents, unannounced to the others' that she's talked to she didn't bring up the video tape and she wasn't going to unless she absolutely had to. But she was bored out of her mind on saying everything she heard over and over again to each parent, but was happy this was the last time she'd have to repeat herself.

As she walked up the sidewalk towards the front door of a two story house, she pulled her hands out of her
pockets and knocked on the door at least three times. A minute later, the door was answered and it was a female.

"Oh hello Kari, come on in." She said and backed up as she opened the door the rest of the way as Kari walked in.

"Thank you Eve." Kari said as she bowed her head slightly in politeness and went into the living room where she saw Psyren's dad sitting and reading the news paper for probably the third time.

"Why hello Kari, what brings the pure blood here to my domain?" He asked, always talking like it was still the eighteenth century.

"I'm here about your daughter, Psyren." Kari said as she sat down on the couch when Eve walked in.

"What happened, is she alright?" Eve asked, her mothers' worry rising.

"Um...I found her in a bar on the other side of town with a few of her friends..." She answered. "They were drinking blood from one of their employees, if you consider that unharmed."

She knew that as she said this, the anger was rising in both parents' faces and just as Psyren walked into the house, her eyes red from tears, was when her father stood and started screaming at her.

"What in the hell were you doing in a place like that?" He screamed, his face slightly red in frustration.

"Um...uh...n-nothing." She stuttered, her tears forming again.

"It doesn't sound like nothing since Kari just came over and told us what you've been doing with your friends every night when you say you're going to the movies." Her mom screamed.

"Do you know that you're underage to them?" Her dad screamed. "Do you know how many Vampiric Laws you've broken by intervening with the humans like that?"

Kari decided to leave them with their argument as she found her way to the door and left, closing it behind her as she then noticed that the screaming got louder, she just sighed as she left the premises and went home where her bed or computer was waiting for her. “That went slightly well with the Adams coven, but I don’t know about the Valen coven…they seemed more pissed off than the Adams' were. Oh well, at least this job is done…now I got to deal with them all wanting to kill me.” Kari noted to herself with a sigh of annoyance.

She closed her eyes and thought for a few minutes. Walking aimlessly until she came to a road called ‘All Hallows Road’ and turned right onto it. From the corner of the road, you could see a gigantic complex. 

On the front of the main building that was in front, there was a mark of what looked like the side of a serpent with its body in the shape of infinity and eating its own tail. Kari walked up to the main doors and pulled out a small house key from her pocket and unlocked the front door, opening it and walking inside before she closed it and took her shoes off. She walked straight to the kitchen and to the fridge where she pulled out five pints of blood packs, drank them all within two minutes, throwing the trash into a bio hazard bag under the kitchen sink and started walking to her room where she barricaded herself. She threw herself upon the couch that was near the furthest wall from her bedroom door.

Kari didn’t sleep much since she turned twenty-one around two hundred years ago. Her walls were covered with everything you could imagine in silver; guns, swords, daggers, athames, knives and more.

Her vampiric abilities besides being one of the only one of her kind that could turn a human into a vampire, she was never able to be hurt or killed by silver and she could also manipulate electricity at will. When she was a teen in human years, she would always try to kill herself by the old fashion means of suicide. She could also help heal the wounds of others though she didn’t know how she could.

Kari decided to look at her clock to see what time it was and sighed heavily as he said, “It’s midnight, I have classes around noon. I don’t think I had any homework so I think I’ll just listen to music or browse the web later.” She closed her eyes as she thought over what happened that night about an hour ago and dawn came before she knew it.

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